Ligia Lewis
deader than dead
→ Do. 22.05.202519:30–20:30
Haus der Kunst
Political, Party, Shakespeare
Ballet National de Marseille X (LA)HORDE
The Master’s Tools
→ Do. 22.05.202520:30
Revolt, Jumpstyle, Internet Dances
→ Do. 22.05.202521:30
→ Fr. 23.05.202518:30
→ Fr. 23.05.202519:30–20:30
→ Fr. 23.05.202519:30
Dançando com a Diferença & Marlene Monteiro Freitas
→ Fr. 23.05.202520:00–21:15
Münchner Kammerspiele
Inclusive, Intimate, Ritual
Théo Mercier & François Chaignaud
Radio Vinci Park
→ Fr. 23.05.202522:30–23:30
Queer, Human X Machine, Baroque
study now steady
→ Sa. 24.05.202516:00–20:00
Durational, Dance X Visual Art, Postcolonial Perspectives
Ewa Dziarnowska
This resting, patience
→ Sa. 24.05.202519:00–22:00
schwere reiter
Togetherness, Intimate, Durational
→ Sa. 24.05.202520:00–21:15
→ Sa. 24.05.202522:30–23:30
→ So. 25.05.202510:00–20:00
→ So. 25.05.202514:00–20:00
Academy of Fine Arts, Young Talents, Dance X Visual Art
→ So. 25.05.202516:00–19:00
Diego Tortelli & Miria Wurm
TERRANOVA / hidden link
→ So. 25.05.202520:00–20:45
Symbiosis, Plant-based, Classical X Contemporary
→ Mo. 26.05.202510:00–20:00
→ Mo. 26.05.202520:00–20:45
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas
Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich
→ Di. 27.05.202519:30–20:45
Minimalism, Sneakers, Iconic
→ Di. 27.05.202520:00–20:45
Davi Pontes & Wallace Ferreira
Repertório N.2
→ Di. 27.05.202521:30–22:05
Queer, Empowerment, Brazil
→ Mi. 28.05.202510:00–20:00
Repertório N.3
→ Mi. 28.05.202517:00–17:45
Richard Siegal
→ Mi. 28.05.202519:00
Lenbachhaus / Kunstbau
Swarms, Dance X Visual Arts, In Sync
→ Mi. 28.05.202519:30–20:45
Alice Ripoll / Cia. Suave
Zona Franca
→ Mi. 28.05.202521:00–22:15
Brazil, Urban Dances, Optimism
→ Mi. 28.05.202521:30–22:05
→ Do. 29.05.202510:00–20:00
→ Do. 29.05.202518:00–19:15
Jefta van Dinther
→ Do. 29.05.202519:00–21:45
Durational, Immersive, Human X Machine
→ Do. 29.05.202521:00–21:45
→ Fr. 30.05.202510:00–20:00
→ Fr. 30.05.202510:00–18:00
→ Fr. 30.05.202514:00–20:00
Koffi-Kégou Afiadegnigban, Aziz Zoundi & Kadidja Tiemanta
Faso Danse Théâtre & ICI Ankata present Africa Simply the Best
→ Fr. 30.05.202518:00–19:30
Young Talents, Winners, Triple Bill
→ Fr. 30.05.202520:00–22:45
→ Sa. 31.05.202510:00–20:00
→ Sa. 31.05.202510:00–18:00
→ Sa. 31.05.202515:00–16:00
Moritz Ostruschnjak
Cardboard Sessions (Open rehearsal)
→ Sa. 31.05.202516:00
Urban Dances, Dance X Visual Art, Party
The Animal Kingdom Kiki Ball
→ Sa. 31.05.202517:00
Ballroom, Queer, Party
La Veronal
TOTENTANZ – Morgen ist die Frage
→ Sa. 31.05.202519:00–20:00
Ritual, Life and Death, Immersive
Trajal Harrell
Judson Church is Ringing in Harlem (Made-to-Measure) / Twenty Look or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)
→ Sa. 31.05.202521:00–22:00
Ballroom, Postmodern Dance, Intimate
→ So. 01.06.202510:00–20:00
→ So. 01.06.202510:00–18:00
→ So. 01.06.202519:00–20:00
→ So. 01.06.202520:00–21:00
→ So. 01.06.202521:00–22:00
→ Di. 03.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Mi. 04.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Do. 05.06.202510:00–20:00
→ Fr. 06.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Sa. 07.06.202510:00–18:00
→ So. 08.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Di. 10.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Mi. 11.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Do. 12.06.202510:00–20:00
→ Fr. 13.06.202510:00–18:00
→ Sa. 14.06.202510:00–18:00
→ So. 15.06.202510:00–18:00
Cardboard Sessions
→ Sa. 28.06.2025
Pinakothek der Moderne