Alice Ripoll / Cia. Suave
Zona Franca

In the context of worldwide rising far-right nationalism, the present time feels like an interlude, like the countdown to the final days before the onset of the coming fascism. Against the backdrop of these political upheavals, where visions of the future are only conceivable as dystopias, the Brazilian perspective gains important significance: Having escaped the fascist regime of Jair Bolsonaro, the anger over social tensions and economic inequalities—particularly from the younger generation who suffered greatly under the regime—has since 2022 given way to a new wave of hope.
Brazilian choreographer Alice Ripoll draws on these collective experiences with ZONA FRANCA (English: "Free Trade Zone") to reflect on the reinvention of Brazil and its disinherited generations, for whom the future has once again opened up. In Rio de Janeiro, young people use dance styles such as Passinho, Dancinha, Voguing, Samba, and Hip-Hop as ways of expressing their desire for freedom and autonomy. Alice Ripoll blends these urban dance forms with contemporary dance, initiating an extraordinary process of choreographic fusion. In a contemporary ritual fusing anger, joy, and vulnerability, ten dancers work with giant balloons and express their longing for self-determination and freedom.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Alice Ripoll works as a choreographer and movement director at the intersection of contemporary dance and Brazil’s urban dance styles. In the works of her companies Cia. REC and Cia. SUAVE, founded with dancers from the favelas of Rio, political and social phenomena of Brazil are critically examined. With ZONA FRANCA, she exemplifies a new optimism, showing that it is worth continuing to fight and hope, even when everything seems lost.
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For people in wheelchairs: The Müchner Volkstheater is barrier-free and has 3 different stages. The stages are located on the ground floor and on the 1st floor. Each stage has designated wheelchair spaces. All floors are accessible via a lift. The Volkstheater has 5 disabled parking spaces in the underground car park. The main entrance has automatically opening doors. The main entrance doors can be opened via a switch by the right-hand door. There are several wheelchair-accessible toilets at the individual stages and in the restaurant. More information can be found at Kultur barrierefrei München. More information (only available in German): Kultur barrierefrei München.
Tumblingerstraße 29, 80337 München, Germany
Duration: 75 min
Rating: 16 years old

© Renato Mangolin

© Renato Mangolin

© Renato Mangolin

© Renato Mangolin

© Festival de Marseille, Pierre-Gondard
Choreography: Alice Ripoll
Performers: Gabriel Tiobil, GB Dançarino Brabo, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Maylla Eassy, Petersonsidy, Romulo Galvão, Tamires Costa, Thamires Candida, VN Dançarino Brabo
Assistant directors: Alan Ferreira and Thais Peixoto
Light design: Tomás Ribas and Diana Joels
Light Technician: Tainã Miranda
Set and costume design: Raphael Elias
Assistant costume designer and seamstress: Gabriel Alves
Soundtrack: Alice Ripoll and Alan Ferreira
Sound technician and rehearser: Renato Linhares / Alan Ferreira
Illustration and Designer: Caick Carvalho
Photos: Renato Mangolin
Tour manager: Joana D'Aguiar
Production assistants: Isabela Peixoto
Diffusion: ART HAPPENS
Zona Franca is presented by International DANCE Festival München in cooperation with Münchner Volkstheater.
Co-production: Festival de Marseille, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Charleroi Danse, RomaEuropa, Tandem Scène nationale, tanzhaus nrw, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Julidans, Les Mécènes DanseAujourdhui