Ein Teil der Verkleidung eines B-25-Bomber-Motors wird in der Motorenabteilung des Werks von North American [Aviation, Inc.] in Inglewood, Kalifornien, zusammengebaut - © Alfred T. Palmer

Ein Teil der Verkleidung eines B-25-Bomber-Motors wird in der Motorenabteilung des Werks von North American [Aviation, Inc.] in Inglewood, Kalifornien, zusammengebaut - © Alfred T. Palmer

Moritz Ostruschnjak: "Rabbit Hole" - © Franziska Strauss

Moritz Ostruschnjak: "Rabbit Hole" - © Franziska Strauss

Moritz Ostruschnjak

Rabbit Hole (World Premiere)

The Munich choreographer Moritz Ostruschnjak has created a world premiere performance of his piece Rabbit Hole that leads us down into the dark depths of a fantastic and digital realm, through tunnels, intersections, aberrations, final fantasies, with no end in sight. It seduces through algorithmics, entering into an eerie backwards motion, getting lost in the depths of the internet, of the wonderland, where the impossible is possible and morals are cancelled. Have we long since arrived at a time where all of the rules have been turned upside down and simply can be overwritten, beguiled by bittersweet media strategies and ideological echo chambers? And the fleshy movements in particular are what appear so strangely different and simultaneously so familiar to us, which mutate from grotesque deconstructed scenes into a dance maelstrom and sweeps away everything that was. A language that unfolds its own personal beauty from the very first second.

Coming from his genuine interest in the complex interplay between humans and digitality, in his works Ostruschnjak poses the question of who we are at this very second, and while he does this, he inserts his finger into the wound (and the miracle). Originally from the sprayer and breakdance scene, Moritz Ostruschnjak received his dance training in Munich and in Lausanne under Maurice Béjart. He has been living and working as a choreographer in Munich since 2013, and he traveled with works such as AUTOPLAY, TANZANWEISUNGEN, YESTER:NOW, and TERMINAL BEACH to numerous international festivals and hewas awarded the sponsorship prize the City of Munich in 2020. In 2022 he opened the German Dance Platform festival in Berlin with TANZANWEISUNGEN.

More about Rabbit Hole in the magazine


Thursday, May 11, 9 p.m.
Friday, May 12, 9 p.m. + Introduction & Artist Talk at 8.15 p.m.


Choreography: Moritz Ostruschnjak
Choreographic co-operation: Daniela Bendini
Dancers: Guido Badalamenti, David Cahier, Daniel Conant, Roberto Provenzano, Miyuki Shimizu, Magdalena Agata Wójcik
Video & Set design: Mikko Gaestel
Lighting design: Sascha Zauner
Music: Jonas Friedlich
Costume design: Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak

Dramaturgy: Carmen Kovacs
Outside Eye: Armin Kerber
Production management: Susanne Ogan
Management: Alexandra Schmidt
Touring: Pascal Jung
PR: Simone Lutz

A production by Moritz Ostruschnjak in co-production with the festival DANCE 2023 as well as Theater Freiburg. Sponsored by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich, Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR as well as BLZT, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz, with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art. In Co-operation with Muffathalle Betriebs GmbH. Realized by a residency at O Espaço do Tempo. Moritz Ostruschnjak is a member of Tanztendenz München e.V.

Kulturreferat München  Konzeptionsförderung

BLZT Theater Freiburg

Muffatwerk   Tanztendenz    espaco de tempo

preview dance 2025